The pioneers used their time in South Africa
to travel a little around

It is useful to have a car when traveling around. Here Bodil Øverland
has a visitor, a baboon. 1970

Another picture, Bodil Øverland with the baboon, lunch time. 1970

BBQ party in 1970.
From the left: Stian Urke, in the background Elias and Sigrun Andersen,
sitting Leif Taksdal, Grete McVay, Sofie Taksdal, Bodil Øverland,
Rita, Jarle, Anja and Inger Urke.
They also made a trip to Table Mountain, Cape Town,
here som pictures from the montain, 1970.

Table Mountain, Cape Town

Arriving the top, Table Bay in the background

Here Bodil Øverland at the top.

The restaurant at the top.

The cable car arriving at the top.
Every fellow Norwegian is selebrating their national
day, the 17. mai in a traditional way, even abroad. 1970.

The procession!
Torkild Gabrielsen, Artur Egeland and Gro Larsen to the right.

Time for sack race.
From the left: Luis Selnes, Sigbjorn Lunde, Ove Haavik,
Rolf Øverland and
Torkild Gabrielsen (host and organiser)
Pictures were also taken from trips to the 'bush' and
from other excursion, both in 1970 and 1971.

Here several pioneerfamilies are united at the King Beach, Port Elisabeth.
From the left: standing, Artur Egeland and Sigbjorn Lunde. sitting Mrs. S. Lunde,
Asgaut Aanestad, boy, Brit Aanestad, Lillian Lunde, two girls.
In front: Marianne Egeland and Nina Egeland, Bob McVay, Grete McVay with baby
Monica McVay, Sigrun Andersen, Dorrit Olsen, Sofie Taksdal, Mrs. Mario Bellu,
Inger Urke, Reidun Jonassen, Wilhelm Andersen (Willen), Aud Seldal, Stian Urke.

Cape of good Hope, 1970

Jan Haugland out swagging, 1970

Crew change, 1970,
From the left: Knut Garpestad, Carl Page and Russel

Here Sofie Taksdal (left), and Bodil Øverland are taking a rickshawtour
in Durban 1970

In Zululand, from the left: Leif Taksdal and Rolf Øverland

In Kruger National Park, here an armed guard. Bodil
and Rolf Øverland to the left, and Sofie Taksdal to the right

Still in Kruger National Park, time for BBQ.
From the left: Rolf Øverland and Leif Taksdal

From Addo Elephant park. Here Luis Selnes from Odeco with his family

Giraffe in Kruger National Park, 1971