Ocean Traveler for repair in Stavanger. An opportunity
for even landlubbers to visit the rig.

Here at Rosenberg shipyard in Stavanger for repairs due to damage from
Smith Lloyd 8 and evacuating rig in 1966

The first time (and only time?) children visited
Ocean Traveler. Here represented by the children
of controlroom operator Sigve Søyland in 1966.

When Sigve Søyland brougt his children to OT.
he also brougt his brother. New 020915

Ocean Traveler in the Stavanger fjord for repair and modification. 1967

Ocean Traveler well docked at Rosenberg. 1967

From the helicopter platform. 1967
From the left: Clyde Miller, John Jastry og Lars H. Helgesen.

Clyde Miller himself. 1967

Coffee break in the "salon". 1967
John Jastry and Hedvig Flornes

Randall Green from Louisiana used heavy diving equipment when
Ocean Traveler was in for repair at Strømsteinen in Stavanger 1967.

Randall Green from Louisiana.

Back at Rosenberg shipyard in Stavanger for repair.
This time winter 1968/69

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